Lihue (Kauai) HI LIH

In December 2024, we will temporarily suspend Alaska Air Cargo service for Kahului (OGG) and Lihue (LIH), but we are working to restore all service early in 2025 by co-locating operations with Hawaiian Air Cargo. Please sign up for email communications for updates on the restored service.  



Monday - Friday:
8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:

Drop Off

This station is Inbound only until further notice.


Aloha Air Cargo

Surcharge Notice

Please note: Shipments are subject to storage charges beginning 24 hours after freight arrival at the cargo station. These charges are location and vendor-specific, and if applicable, must be paid before receiving your shipment.


Firms Code: N/A
U.S. Port Code: N/A