Pet Connectâ„¢ Kennels and Containers

We've prepared the following guidelines to ensure your pet is prepared for safe travel with us. Please take a moment to carefully review the information below.

Multiple Animals in the Same Kennel

The following conditions apply to live animals accepted in the same container:

  • Animals must be the same species.
  • Infant animals will only be accepted with their mother. Exceptions: birds, fish, rats, mice and domestic farm animals.
  • A female animal in heat will not be accepted in the same container as a male animal.

The number of dogs or cats in one container shall not exceed the following limits:

  • One dog or cat six months or more of age.
  • One puppy, eight weeks to six months of age and weighing more than 20 pounds.
  • Two puppies or two kittens, eight weeks to six months of age, but not weighing more than 20 pounds each and of comparable size.
  • Puppies or kittens less than eight weeks old, and littermates accompanied by their mother may be shipped in the same container when the destination is a laboratory or research facility.

Special considerations and exceptions apply to some animals. For more information, please contact the Cargo Call Center at 1-800-225-2752.

Kennel Size Chart

Model Dimensions
L x W x H (in)
Tare Weight (empty)
100 21 x 16 x 15 9 lbs
200 27 x 20 x 19 14 lbs
300 32 x 22 x 24 20 lbs
400 36 x 24 x 26 24 lbs
500 40 x 27 x 30 28 lbs
  • The maximum dimensions (inches) for belly load kennels on Alaska Airlines are 53 L x 48 W x 34 H (in).
  • The maximum dimensions (inches) for kennels on Horizon Air are 40 L x 27 W x 30 H (in).
  • Regional aircraft: Not to exceed 150 pounds and 40 L x 27 W x 30 H (in).
  • Minimum size accepted is a size 100 kennel: Approximately 21 L x 16 W x 15 H (in).
  • Kennels equipped with wheels must have them removed.

Containers may be available for purchase at some stations for Pet Connect shipments traveling on Alaska Airlines. For additional information regarding containers, please contact our Cargo Call Center at 1-800-225-2752.

Labeling and Preparation

Live animal containers must have the following clearly affixed on top and on one or more sides:

  • The words "Live Animals" in letters at least one-inch high.
  • Marked arrows to indicate the upright position.

The shipper must sign a certification at time of tender with the following:

  • The time and date showing the animal was given food and water during the four hours prior to delivery. 
  • Name, address and 24-hour emergency telephone number for the shipper and consignee, as well as the name of the animal, when applicable.
  • Shipper's written instructions must also include name, address and telephone number of the party to be contacted if the shipment cannot be delivered to the consignee.
  • The certification with the information must be attached to the kennel for transport.

For the care and comfort of your pet:

A small amount of food and/or medicine, containing no more than what is required for the duration of the journey, may be attached to the kennel in a clear, sealed container and must be able to withstand normal handling in transit. If feeding an animal is necessary while in the custody of the Carrier, the Shipper shall provide written instructions.

PLEASE NOTE:  The Carrier will not administer medication of any kind while the animal is in custody of the carrier. The Shipper must arrange for a vet or kenneling service to admnister any medication while an animal is in our care. 

If the animal has been medicated or sedated, affix instructions or warnings regarding medications, including:

  • Type of medication, method of administration and time administered.
  • Statement that health certification, where required, has been provided.
  • Per IATA regulations, sedation of animals, except under certain conditions and carried out under veterinary direction, is not recommended.

Kennel Regulations and Requirements

The kennel should never:

No broken parts Have broken parts or makeshift fasteners.
No wire roof Have a wire roof and/or top opening door.
No sharp edges Have sharp edges, points or protrusions that could injure the animal(s).

Additionally, kennels should not be:

  • Held together with snap closures nor have parts replaced by zip ties, duct tape or rubber bands.
  • Dirty or have an offensive odor.
  • Collapsible in any way.
  • Made with a wire roof and/or top opening door.

The kennel should always:

Use nuts and bolts Be held together with metal or plastic nuts and bolts.
Provide food and water Have a food and water dish clipped inside of the door.
Kennel has handles Have handholds or handles that are on the exterior of the kennel for lifting without being tilted and to ensure that anyone handling the kennel will not come in physical contact with the animal.
  • Be of solid construction, escape-proof with one securely fastened door and able to withstand the rigors of normal transportation.
  • Contain a food and water dish clipped inside of the door.
  • Be clean and leakproof, with absorbent bedding made of material that is safe and non-toxic to the animal. Non-bedding items are not allowed, with the exception of one small comfort item.
  • Be constructed to hold the animal being shipped with no part of the animal protruding out of the kennel.
  • Be constructed to retain moisture characteristic with live animal shipments.

Kennels must allow sufficient space for the animal to:

  • Turn around freely in a standing position, using normal body movements.
  • Stand and sit erect.
  • Lie down in a natural and comfortable position.
  • Homemade containers are subject to inspection and regulatory compliance.

Kennel Size Requirements

Kennel good size
Kennel too small
  The kennel must allow the animal to stand without their head or the tips of their ears touching the top of the kennel.
Kennel good size
Kennel too small
  The animal should be able to turn around within the kennel and lie down in a normal, comfortable position.