Business Known Shipper Approval Process

A Known Shipper is an individual or entity who may transport their goods on passenger aircraft. As the only passenger airline in the U.S. with dedicated cargo planes, shipping goods with us means that every customer must be a Known Shipper in compliance with Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requirements. 

Ready to start shipping on behalf of a business or organization?  We've outlined how to apply and what to expect as we process your application below.

Submit your application online

While we are able to submit your application to the TSA on your behalf, approval or denial of your Known Shipper application is at the discretion of the TSA and not accessible by the general public.  Use the web application below to start your request.

We'll process your application

We will contact you via the email provided during the application process with your updated status.  

Approval Status | Known

Your application was returned as Known by the TSA.  Your business is now a Known Shipper in our system.  What's next?

  • You will be provided a unique Customer Identification Number (CID), and you will have an Alaska Air Cargo shipping account.
  • You may start shipping as soon as your updated status is reflected in our system (typically 1-2 hours after confirmation).
  • As a Business Known Shipper, annual renewal of your status it not required; however, you are responsible for providing updated account information (such as a change in your physical address).
  • Ready to get started?  Create an online booking account where you can manage all of shipments in one place, get estimates and create templates for regular shipments to save time.
  • Prefer to be invoiced for your shipments?  Apply for a credit account here.

Approval Status | Unknown

Your application was returned as Unknown by the TSA. You have the option for Alaska Air Cargo to appeal the TSA status on behalf of your business. A couple of important details:

  • If you choose to appeal, you will be contacted by a TSA representative, which may take several weeks.
  • If your appeal is successful, we will notify you via the email address provided in your initial application and you will be an approved Known Shipper in our system.  Please refer to Step 3 for details on next steps as a Known Shipper.
  • You have the option of applying to be a Known Shipper under the Alaska Air Cargo Known Shipper program as an Individual.  This option is subject to all Individual Known Shipper program requirements, including annual renewal and site verification (fees apply).  

Indirect Air Carrier (IAC) Registration

The TSA provides IAC and CCSF statuses to Alaska Air Cargo directly. New to Alaska Air Cargo?  We'll need a few details to get your shipping account started.  Complete the web application to create an account, set up your billing information, and establish your online booking account with us. 

If you have questions or concerns regarding your Alaska Air Cargo shipping account or your IAC/CCSF status, please contact us